Manner in which festival is celebrated has evolved
KATHMANDU: Dashain, a major festival celebrated by Nepalis, is regarded as a festival of...
Gathamangal festival being observed in Newar community today
KATHMANDU: The Newar community across the country is celebrating Gathamangal, also known as Ghantakarna,...
In Pics: Muslim community praying in a Kashmiri mosque
KATHMANDU: Bakr Eid (Eid al-Adha), Islam’s second great festival, is being celebrated in mosques...
Floods disrupt monsoon weddings in Bihar
The monsoon rains had doused the brutal summer heatwave, and the season of fertility...
In Pics: ‘Chorko Swor’ at Mandala Theatere
Mandala Drama House in Thapagaun is hosting a performance of ‘Chorko Swor (Voice of...
He dropped out of school to learn robotics. Now he’s teaching STEM across Ghana
Jonathan Kennedy Sowah says wherever he goes, he’s always looking for a problem to...
Eid-ul-Fitr is being celebrated all over the country
KATHMANDU: MAY. 3 – Muslim communities across the country have celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr by offering...
In Pictures: Eid celebrations
KATHMANDU: MAY. 3 – Today, the Muslim community across the country is celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr...
In Pictures: Rato Matsyendranath Jatra Preparation
KATHMANDU: APRIL. 29 – Beginning on May 4, a chariot for Rato Matsyendranath’s chariot...
Biska jatra comes to an end today
BHAKTAPUR: APRIL. 18 – Biska, celebrated for eight nights and nine days: On the...