“Start young, build a financially sound future with financial literacy.”
Financial literacy and capital formation are crucial for students in Nepal to secure a...
Year of intense wildfires in Nepal may help scientists predict future blazes
In the forested foothills and plateaus below the world’s highest mountains, the spring of...
India unprepared and under-resourced for plastic ban
Every year as the seasons start to change, pandals appear all over Kolkata. Many...
Folk dances in Terai-Madhesh facing threats of disappearance
KATHMANDU: Loknaach (folk dance) that carries folklore of the Terai-Madhesh including Mithilanchal is on...
Responsibility of youth in contemporary politics
The youth have always played a vital role in politics. They are the future...
Exports of pashmina cannot be increased unless ‘Export Credit Insurance’ is obtained: Shakti Golyan (video)
Before to 2003, or the 1990s, Nepal’s export of ready-made garments, including pashmina, was...
Everything you need to know about new amendment to the Citizenship Act
The amendment to the Citizenship Act, 2006 was endorsed by the House of Representatives...
Floodplain wetlands of the Mekong – going, going, gone?
A rapid and irreversible change is taking place in the Lower Mekong basin. Floodplain...
Time is running out for climate adaptation in the Himalayas
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released the second of its three-part...
Why North Korea’s COVID-19 outbreak could shock the world
If I learned one thing after performing countless operations alongside surgeons in Pyongyang over...