Strict adherence to prohibitory order, should keep workers within the industry

BIRATNAGAR: SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021 – As the Corona epidemic spreads, the local administration is becoming more and more aggressive. Despite being declared a no-go zone, the administration has been tightening its grip on the market.
Concluding that the number of people visiting the district has increased due to the operation of industries and businesses at the time of the prohibitory order, the District Administration Office, Morang has issued the prohibitory order for the second time by amending the prohibitory order. If the industry has to operate during the Corona epidemic, the industrialists have to make arrangements for the workers and employees to stay within the workplace premises by adopting health safety measures.
As per the prohibitory order issued by the District Administration Office, Morang for the second time on Friday, it is mentioned that workers, laborers and employees cannot be brought in and out of the industry. Chief District Officer of Morang, Koshahari Niraula, informed that the Koshahari Niraula has been tightened keeping in mind the possibility of Corona epidemic spreading due to daily arrival. Niraula said the order was issued because of the large number of workers in the industry, which could lead to the spread of Corona Virus on a daily basis.

Provision has been made for health workers, doctors, nurses, telecommunication workers, sanitation workers, emergency service workers, designated bank and financial institution employees to use their identity cards during the prohibitory order. The prohibitory order issued by the administration states that banks, financial institutions and insurance companies should provide services only as per the instructions of Nepal Rastra Bank, Biratnagar and provide on-call service, ATM and online banking services as much as possible to reduce congestion.
The second phase of prohibitory order is coming to an end today, Saturday at 12 noon midnight. The new order of the third phase of the prohibitory order issued on Friday has been implemented for 10 days from 12 noon midnight tonight to 12 noon on the 11th.