
Local elections 2022: 168,000 security personnel to be mobilized

KATHMANDU: APRIL. 23 – A total of 168,000 security personnel from various security agencies...

14 ward chairpersons of Rolpa resigned

ROLPA: APRIL. 23 – Fourteen locally elected ward chairpersons from Nepali Congress, CPN (UML)...

RPP finalized candidates in 4 metropolitian

KATHMANDU: APRIL. 23 – RPP has selected candidates for four metropolitan constituencies. Madandas Shrestha...

UML to elect women mayors in Damak & Birtamode

BIRATNAGAR: APRIL. 23 – CPN-UML has fielded two women candidates for mayor in Birtamode...

Maoists to contest elections in Salyan alone

KATHMANDU: APRIL. 23 – The CPN (Maoist Center) has chosen the mayor and chairperson...

Nepal-India border in Kanchanpur to be sealed for 48 hours

MAHENDRANAGAR: APRIL. 22 – An Indo-Nepal coordination meeting concluded at Mahendranagar of Kanchanpur today...

NC central work execution committee meeting on Saturday

KATHMANDU: APRIL. 22 – A meeting of the central work execution committee of the...

Tamang unanimously elected as ward chairperson candidate of Thulung Dudhkoshi Rural Municipality-9

SOLUKHUMBU: APRIL. 22 – The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center), Thulung Dudhkoshi Village...

28 people’s representatives of Birtamode municipality resigned

BIRATNAGAR: APRIL. 22 – Twenty-eight Birtamode Municipality people’s representatives have resigned. In preparation for...

Mayor Renu Dahal’s resignation accepted

CHITWAN: APRIL. 22 – Renu Dahal, the mayor of Bharatpur, resigned today in order...