There were five children in the womb, how the remaining three are growing up

KATHMANDU: OCT. 6 – It has been exactly one year since Somika Tamang of Nuwakot gave birth to five children. Somika, who is now busy caring for her three daughters, says that she is the luckiest mother in the world.
“I haven’t been able to find a year to take care of the children,” she says. After 9 years of marriage, when she had a child, when she was able to raise 3 daughters at the same time, Somika says that she forgets all the pain in the laughter of the child.
“During my pregnancy, I was like fighting for life and death. After giving birth, I have been happily married for a year now,” she said. The family and even a caregiver are involved in caring for the babies. Somika’s husband, who is active in politics, says that she also helps him.
The family is happy that three goddesses were born at once. But many in society say that if three daughters are born, they will have a son again. “It’s sad to hear why this society has given so much importance to the son,” she said.
Early days
Somika’s milk was enough for three daughters for a month. But from the second month, she started breastfeeding. She said that for the past five and a half months, she has been feeding him lito (baby food), oats and fruits.
Although many of the twins have the same interests and temperaments, their daughters have different temperaments, said Somika. At nine or ten o’clock at night, they take turns sleeping.
When it comes to feeding, managing children is a challenge. She says, “It takes about an hour and a half to feed. All three of them are huddled together. Sometimes they hug each other, pull clothes and cry. After feeding one, the other goes away. . ”
She bathes the children once a week. That day she is busier than other days. The days go by when you take turns bathing, applying oil and sleeping. She has not yet named her daughters.
“I’m thinking of having the same names for all three,” says Somika. Initially, he was overjoyed to hear that the twins were having a video X-ray. The next time I did a video X-ray, she felt like she had fallen off a cliff.
“I felt like I was going to die. The nurses told me that the others had given birth to four children. It was nothing to relax. But there were many things on my mind, so I had to keep a friend with me.”
Somika and Hari Kumar Tamang had been married for nine years. In the meantime, she had had two miscarriages.
After that, she became pregnant after not having a child for a long time. As soon as they found out that they had four children in their womb, they moved to the capital Kathmandu. When the baby was in the womb for the first time, she regained consciousness.
“Something went wrong under my heart. I got up in a panic. Kshama (Sanima) has given birth to a baby. I told you that I felt like you had a lot in my stomach. And I was not scared at all.”
One child was born dead. Four were alive. The babies weighed 1900 grams, 1800 grams, 1600 grams and 800 grams at birth.
Hari Kumar Tamang, a husband of Somika, said that the baby weighed less than 800 grams and died in a week after being admitted to the ICU.
The eldest daughter was born at 1800 grams and now weighs 9 kg. Miley weighed 1,900 grams and now weighs 9.5 kilograms. And the youngest born at 1600 grams now weighs 8 kg.
-BBC (Nepali)