Biratnagar is vaccinating workers from today

BIRATNAGAR: SEPT. 22 – The Biratnagar Metropolitan City is going to vaccinate the workers of the industrial sector and students studying health subjects on Sept. 22 and 23.
The corporation has stated that the vaccination is being carried out as per the decision of the meeting of the District Vaccination Coordination Committee on Sept. 17 and the letter from the District Health Office on Sept. 17.
Health Coordinator Ramesh Karki said that the target group of people who have not been vaccinated before and have reached the age of 18 will be vaccinated. According to him, vaccinations will be given in wards 1, 5, 16 and 17 of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City and Nepal Family Planning Association Biratnagar Metropolitan City 7.
Students studying health at private and government institutions in the Nepal Family Planning Association will be vaccinated, while Nepali workers working in the industrial sector will be vaccinated in other wards, Karki said.