One teacher, one laptop campaign in Kathmandu

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 22 – Kathmandu Metropolitan City has started the ‘One Teacher, One Laptop’ campaign. Under the campaign, laptops have also been distributed to teachers of two schools.
The Metropolitan has distributed laptops to 27 teachers of Kanya Mandir Secondary School of Ward No. 25 and 31 teachers of Janakalyan Secondary School of Ward No. 6. Chairman of Ward No. 17 Nabin Manandhar said that the corporation has started such a campaign emphasizing technology-friendly learning.
“Teachers need to be given unconditional materials and equipment for teaching and learning and also need to think about students who cannot afford mobiles or laptops,” he said. Education Officer Motiraj Khanal said that the corporation would also arrange training for teachers for technical knowledge and distribute laptops in other schools.
He said that the Presidential Educational Reform Program is also supporting the metropolis to run such a campaign. Kanya Mandir Secondary School, on the other hand, has already used the Easy application.