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Agreement between IPPAN and Sheshkant Foundation to create efficient manpower in the energy sector

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KATHMANDU: An agreement has been signed between the Independent Power Producers Association of Nepal (IPPAN) and the non-governmental organization Sheshkant Foundation to prepare skilled manpower for the energy sector within the country.

Recently, the government, private and donor agencies have been giving priority to the development of various energy sources in Nepal including hydropower, solar energy, wind energy and bio-energy. The agreement was signed between the two organizations to meet the shortage of skilled manpower in the country to work in energy production, transmission and distribution. The agreement has been signed by IPPAN Chairman Krishna Prasad Acharya and Foundation Chairman Bishweshwar Prasad Dhakal.

After the agreement, it has been agreed to start training by preparing curriculum within six months to prepare manpower for construction, operation and maintenance, transmission and distribution of power projects.

The foundation, which has recently come into operation in Dhunibeshi municipality of Dhading, has also taken permission from the government to produce skilled manpower. The foundation, which also has the support of German technical schools, will produce much-needed technical manpower in the hydropower sector, said Dhakal.

At present, 20 people are undergoing training at the foundation’s school. The organization has so far spent Rs. 140 million including import of hostel, school building and equipment under construction.

At present, Nepal has more than 1300 MW of electricity generation capacity. Similarly, more than 7,000 MW projects are under construction. The list of potential projects is long and there is a shortage of manpower in the country to develop those projects.