FSU elections: Results out for 300+ campuses, who won where?
Among them, 42 affiliated campuses and more than 250 accredited colleges have conducted the elections successfully.

KATHMANDU: Tribhuvan University (TU) has successfully completed the elections of the Student Union (FSU) in over 300 colleges.
Among them, 42 affiliated campuses and more than 250 accredited colleges have conducted the elections successfully.
TU had set the date for the SWVYU elections on Chait 5.
On that day, elections were held in 38 affiliated campuses. However, recently, elections were also completed in Amrit Science Campus, Lainchaur, Kathmandu, and Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara.
Previously, elections were completed in Birgunj Nursing Campus and Padmakanya Campus in Kathmandu as well.
With the completion of elections in two more affiliated campuses on Sunday, FSU elections have been concluded in all 42 affiliated campuses.
According to the results, the Nepal Students’ Union (NSU) won in 16 campuses, the All Nepal National Free Students Union (ANNFSU) secured 13 campuses, the All Nepal National Independent Students Union (Revolutionary) won in 10, independents secured 1, and the Socialist Students’ Union gained victory in 1 affiliated campus.
The results from Amrit Science Campus showed victory for the ANNFSU panel, while the vote count for Prithvi Narayan Campus is still pending.
At Padmakanya Campus, the rebel candidate Bhupi Air from the NSU emerged victorious.
However, she has announced that she will remain independent. Earlier, independent candidates like Prajwal Adhikari from Chitwan Engineering Campus and Peshal Raj Karki from Central Technical Campus, Dharan, had joined the All Nepal National Independent Students Union (Revolutionary) after winning their respective elections.
The Socialist Students’ Union claimed victory at Mahendra Bindeshwari Campus in Rajbiraj, where Ranjit Yadav was elected president.
As for the results from accredited colleges, the NSU has won in 115 colleges, the ANNFSU in 103, and the All Nepal National Independent Students Union (Revolutionary) in 85.
The Revolutionary Union has made significant progress, winning 10 affiliated campuses, marking a notable increase compared to the previous two elections in 2073 and 2079.
This time, they contested alone in six campuses and formed alliances in two others. The Socialist Students’ Union secured victory only at Mahendra Bindeshwari Campus in Rajbiraj.
There are still 20 affiliated campuses where the FSU elections are yet to be held.
In some of these campuses, new dates have been set for the elections, while in others, the process remains uncertain.
TU has directed the campuses where elections were delayed to resume the process immediately and complete the elections.