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SEE Exam

SEE begins, over 514,000 students across 2,079 centers (photos)

The SEE will run from today until Chaitra 19 and will be held from 8 AM to 11 AM each day.

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KATHMANDU: The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) begins nationwide.

According to the National Examination Board, Examination Control Office, the SEE will be conducted from 8 AM today across 2,079 exam centers nationwide.

As per the exam schedule, the first day will feature compulsory English and Sanskrit subjects for general students, while Sanskrit composition for Vedvidya students and Arabic language for Madrasa students will also be examined.

This year, a total of 514,071 students participate in the SEE, as reported by the board.

In comparison, last year’s SEE in 2080 saw 464,785 students. The number of students has increased by 49,286 this year.

For centers with up to 150 candidates, one assistant center chief and one supervisor for every 20 students have been arranged.

For centers with fewer than 75 candidates, no assistant center chief will be assigned, the office clarified.

The SEE will run from today until Chaitra 19 and will be held from 8 AM to 11 AM each day.