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4 killed in road accident in N. Spain

The accident occurred at around 8 p.m. local time (2100 GMT).

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MADRID:  Four people lost their lives on Saturday night when their car veered off the road and plunged approximately 200 meters down a slope near the Lunada mountain pass in Spain’s northern region of Cantabria.

Eugenia Gomez de Diego, the Spanish government delegate to Cantabria, said at a press conference on Sunday that the victims, two young men and two young women, all aged 20 and 21, were from Madrid.

The accident occurred at around 8 p.m. local time (2100 GMT).

Jose Miguel Tolosa, head of the Cantabrian Traffic Department, explained that the crash took place on a “very narrow” road with a steep drop on one side, where “any distraction” could lead to an accident.
