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Rupesh Mandal’s remand extended in Rinku Kumari Sada’s case

The extension allows police to continue their detailed investigation into the matter.

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KATHMANDU: The main accused in the case of 17-year-old Rinku Kumari Sada from Bhagwatipur, Nawarajpur Rural Municipality-1, Siraha, Rupesh Mandal, has had his remand extended for two more days by the Siraha District Court.

The extension allows police to continue their detailed investigation into the matter.

Deputy Superintendent of Police, Ramesh Pandit, confirmed that after the remand extension, the investigation into the case has begun in earnest.

Rupesh was apprehended by a special police team earlier today at around 11:30 AM in the Dashgaja area of Siraha Municipality-17.

On the night of Feb 9, Rinku had gone outside to relieve herself when she was gang-raped by three local youths.

Despite the severity of the crime, an attempt was made by the local Panchayat, including a ward member, to settle the matter on Feb 11 and 12.

The Panchayat decided that the perpetrators would pay a fine of 140,000 rupees and instructed the victim not to go to the police.

When the Panchayat’s efforts failed, and amid threats from the accused, Rinku was found hanging at her home on the evening of Feb 23.

Following news coverage of the incident, the police took action, filing a complaint and initiating an investigation.

So far, three of the rapists and five others involved in the Panchayat have been arrested.