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From students to entrepreneurs: Anjana & Kriti’s journey of ssuccess (video)

From selling trousers online to establishing a popular retail store, their success story is one of resilience and innovation.

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KATHMANDU: Anjana Suwal and Kriti Gaiñju are two close friends who transitioned from students to business partners.

They have known each other since childhood, having studied together at the same school and later attended college after completing their Secondary Education Examination (SEE).

While Kriti pursued a career in finance and marketing, Anjana took up a teaching role at Chandeshwori School in Bhaktapur. Eventually, Anjana joined Kriti in the marketing field.

During the winter months, while collecting funds for their business, the duo visited a shop where they spotted a beautiful pair of trousers, which also had an attractive lining. The price was a mere 400 rupees.

Anjana excitedly remarked to Kriti, “Look how cheap this is! If we negotiate with the seller, we can buy it for less and sell it at a better price!”

They both loved the idea and ended up purchasing the trousers for 300 rupees. After taking a photo and posting it on Facebook, the trousers sold for 400 rupees. This initial success inspired them greatly.

With their earnings of 100 rupees from that sale, they decided not to spend it. Instead, they pooled their resources, amounting to around 3,000 to 4,000 rupees, without asking their families for additional funds since their financial situation was already tight.

Determined to grow their business, they began sourcing products. They faced many challenges in finding wholesale suppliers, often reflecting on their past struggles. “Finding wholesale shops required a lot of effort, and people were generally reluctant to share information. It took us a long time to navigate this,” they recalled.

After numerous attempts, including a fruitless search in Kalanki, they finally discovered a wholesale shop in New Road. Anjana stated, “Now we source our goods from there.”

First Major Purchase

Anjana recounted their first significant purchase from New Road, amounting to 10,000 rupees. They sold the clothes online, reinvesting the profits back into acquiring more products.

As their network grew, friends, relatives, and customers from online platforms began to ask, “Where is your shop?” In response, Kriti transformed a section of her home into a makeshift shop, sharing her home location in Kamalbinayak with interested customers.

She explained, “We attracted many customers this way. Friends and acquaintances would trust us, and although we had limited stock, we gradually expanded. Eventually, we decided to open a formal shop.”

Opening Their Shop

Kriti shared that a friend mentioned the vacant second floor of his house, encouraging them to start their business there with affordable rent. This led to the establishment of their clothing store. Today, they run “Glory Collection” in Bhaktapur’s Pottery Square, located near Ram Temple. Kriti emphasized that they specifically target young people, offering ladies’ items such as one-piece dresses, t-shirts, and jackets. Their online presence spans platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, and they even created a Facebook group called “Glory Collection Club.”

Having been in business for 6-7 years, they proudly reported that their operations have flourished from an initial investment of 300 rupees in trousers to a current valuation of approximately 2 million rupees. Kriti noted, “Our shop is running well. We are reaping the rewards of our hard work. Friends and online customers continue to support us.”

Current Business Performance

Anjana revealed that during off-peak seasons, they make around 15,000 to 20,000 rupees, while peak times can yield up to a million rupees. She expressed confidence in the profitability of their business, explaining that they allocate monthly earnings for shop expenses before personal expenditure, dividing any surplus into two parts.

Anjana said, “We set aside amounts for shop rent and divide the rest evenly.”

Currently, their shop is valued at around 2 million rupees.

Future Plans

Anjana shared their ambitious plans to expand “Glory Collection” branches across Nepal. They also aim to launch children’s wear and men’s wear stores, stating, “We plan to expand our business further, opening branches throughout Nepal.”

Additional Ventures

Alongside their clothing business, Anjana and Kriti also run a fancy store and a beauty parlor from their home, providing services such as keratin treatments, hair straightening, and bridal makeup.

Anjana mentioned her dedication to customer service, often working long hours from 2 PM until late at night, adjusting her schedule to accommodate clients. When she is unavailable, her mother and sister assist in the shop.

Kriti typically handles the store during the day when customer traffic is light, while both are present in the evening when it picks up. Anjana added, “We aim to provide the best service possible.”


Supporting Their Families

Anjana and Kriti also take on the responsibility of covering their siblings’ expenses and assist with household costs.

Considering Opportunities Abroad

Kriti admitted that seeing friends travel abroad has led her to contemplate, “Should we consider going abroad too?” She reflected, “Many friends have left for foreign opportunities. We are still in the struggle phase. However, we have not given up and are determined to succeed here in Nepal.”

After completing their plus-two education, they even contemplated trying for Australia but chose to stay in Nepal after receiving mixed reviews from those who had moved abroad. They learned that it’s better to go abroad only after marriage, which led them to reconsider their options.

Family Support

Anjana highlighted the tremendous support from their families in pursuing their business, stating, “My family encourages us to follow our passions as long as we stay on the right path.”

Kriti echoed this sentiment, noting, “Being women, we have never faced restrictions. Even when we worked late into the night for deliveries, our families never pressured us to stop.”

Both women emphasized their families’ unwavering trust in their decisions. They have received positive feedback from customers, often providing affordable prices and special discounts during festive seasons to keep their customers happy.

Despite occasional disagreements, they have never experienced significant conflicts, maintaining a strong bond of trust between them. They concluded that perseverance is key, stating, “We never imagined we could rise from 300 to where we are now. As long as we don’t lose hope and continue working hard, success is achievable. Young people should not think that career opportunities only exist abroad. With determination and clever strategies, it is possible to earn substantial income here in Nepal.”

They believe that being independent and running their own business is far more rewarding than working for someone else.

-Tenzing Dolma Tamang