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Demand to involve the private sector in urban development

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KATHMANDU: A delegation from the Nepal Land and Housing Development Association met with Acting Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh on Sunday to advocate for the inclusion of the private sector in integrated land and housing development.

The association’s president, Bhesraj Lohani, emphasized the need for legal provisions allowing private entities to engage in “land pooling,” urging the incorporation of this topic into the Urban Development Act.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Singh expressed the government’s positive stance on involving the private sector in organized urban development.

“The private sector must be included in city development; together, we can create well-organized, clean, and economically vibrant cities,” he stated.

He highlighted the importance of focusing on the concepts of apartments and housing to systematically develop cities.

Until now, the government has solely undertaken land and housing development through land pooling.

The association has also called for the inclusion of the private sector in land and housing pooling, proposed allowing foreign buyers to purchase up to 20% of apartments, and requested amendments to ensure that land within apartments remains under the developer’s name after sale.