BP Koirala cancer hospital launches extra hour services
Before this, patients had to wait for a week to access this service from the hospital that has been daily undertaking 60 to 70 CT scans of patients.

CHITWAN: The Bharatpur-based BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital has started providing ‘CT Scan Service’ in extra time. With this, patients do not need to wait for the ‘CT Scan’ service at the hospital.
Before this, patients had to wait for a week to access this service from the hospital that has been daily undertaking 60 to 70 CT scans of patients.
Chief of the Hospital’s Radiology Department Dr Nitu Sharma said compulsion to wait for the turn has been ended when two vacant positions of radiologist got filled and mobilized for providing service in extra time.
She said, “After new management in place, the two vacant posts were fulfilled. With this, 12 hours of service from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm has begun”, the Department Chief informed.
The department has total posts of seven radiologists. Earlier there was an issue of service delivery when only five radiologists had to provide service during office hours.
Now the MRI turn comes to the hospital in two days, she said, adding earlier the patients had to wait for two weeks to get MRI service.
There is no need to wait for the video X-ray now. Earlier, only one radiologist used to provide the video X-ray service, but now there are two dedicated persons to deliver the service, Dr Sharma added.