Health Minister announces establishing human organ transplant facility in states
On the occasion, those who donated organs through the Centre were honored.

KATHMANDU: Minister for Health and Population (MoHP) Pradip Paudel has announced that human organ transplant facilities will be established in all seven States.
In his address to a programme organised by the Bhaktapur-based Shahid Dharmabhakta National Transplant Centre on the occasion of World Organ Donation Day today, the Minister said the action plan he unveiled recently incorporated the matter of expanding the organ transplant facility to the state level.
“Such facilities will be established as the subordinate body of this Centre,” he declared, adding that it will be promptly initiated from the Koshi State.
On the occasion, those who donated organs through the Centre were honored.
Admitting that adequate and quality healthcare facilities have not been still available in the country due to limited workforce, structures, and resources, the Minister insisted on the need for maximum utilization of available resources.
He also pledged that he would propose to the Cabinet to find a spacious place for the Centre in Suryabinayak, as he received concerns over inadequate space for the Centre at the existing location.