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Bloom of stinking thorn: Nature’s paradox (photos)

These flowers, which thrive with the onset of rain, present a captivating beauty despite their name.

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KATHMANDU: Currently, the roads, paths, bushes, and forests are adorned with the abundant bloom of the stinking thorn flower.

These flowers, which thrive with the onset of rain, present a captivating beauty despite their name.

The blossoms of this plant are composed of numerous needle-like structures.

Their colors range from shades of yellow, red, pink, purple, to orange.

The fruit of this plant starts as a green cluster, turning black when ripe.

These flowers are quite delicate, rendering them rarely used by people.

However, their presence is now strikingly evident as they flourish after the rains.

The stinking thorn belongs to the plant family that flowers prolifically.

Scientifically known as Lantana camara, it is also referred to as Lantana aculeata L and Lantana armata.

-Tenzing Dolma Tamang