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Selection process for new leadership in CPN-S begins

Suggestions arising from these discussions will be presented by a team of leaders in a meeting starting at 11 AM today.

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KATHMANDU: The Unified Socialist Party Nepal’s 10th National Convention is ongoing today.

Under this convention, discussions are being held on the party’s political documents, socialist programs, and organizational documents which were presented on Wednesday.

Suggestions arising from these discussions will be presented by a team of leaders in a meeting starting at 11 AM today.

Following the presentation by the team, including proposed amendments to the documents, the Unified Socialist Party Nepal will seek approval.

The convention has seen participation from 1,849 representatives from across the country.

Among them, 299 will elect central members, and 21 will choose office bearers.

The party has also created positions for respected leaders through constitutional amendments.

Starting on Sunday, the convention will conclude tomorrow with the election of new leadership for the Unified Socialist Party Nepal.