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Ranjita removed as parliamentary leader, Lalveer appointed as Chief Whip

Three out of the four NUP members of parliament have ousted Shrestha.

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KATHMANDU: The majority of members of the Nagarik Unmukti Party (NUP) have removed Ranjita Shrestha, who also serves as the party Chair, from the position of parliamentary party leader.

Three out of the four NUP members of parliament have ousted Shrestha.

They have selected Ganga Chaudhary as the new parliamentary party leader.

Ganga Chaudhary, along with Arun Chaudhary and Lalveer Chaudhary, united on one side, leading to Ganga Chaudhary’s selection as the parliamentary party leader.

He previously served as the chief whip of NUP.

With this change, Ranjita Shrestha is now isolated within the parliamentary party.

Additionally, Lalveer Chaudhary, who is also the father of Resham Chaudhary, a patron of NUP has been appointed as the chief whip.