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Details regarding the results can be viewed through the website, SMS, and IVR services.

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KATHMANDU: The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) results have been published.

Details regarding the results can be viewed through the website, SMS, and IVR services.

Results can be view by visiting websites such as for the Office of the Controller of Examinations, Class 10, for the National Examination Board, and for Nepal Telecom.

Approximately 442,785 students participated in the examination, out of which only 42.92% or 204,092 students have passed. According to the Office of the Controller of Examinations, 52% or 242,092 students have failed. Chairman Sharma stated that 2,121 exams were canceled. Similarly, 186 students obtained GPA 4.

The Examination Board had prepared to publicize the results yesterday. However, due to internal preparations not being completed, the results were made public today.

Regular participation was observed from 467,000 students since Chait 15, with an increase in grades from 21,000 participants.

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