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SC debate over Koshi State governance sparks decision anticipation

The debate is being closely watched, with the possibility of a decision being reached after the conclusion of the response debate today.

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KATHMANDU: In Koshi State, today, a response debate is underway in the writ filed by the opponents against the Koshi government, led by Chief Minister Hikmat Karki, in the full bench of Chief Justices Kumar Regmi, Nahakul Subedi, and Abdul Ajij Muslim.

The debate is being closely watched, with the possibility of a decision being reached after the conclusion of the response debate today.

The debate revolves around the significance of the constitution and parliamentary procedures in forming a government, or if the government can be formed from outside the parliament.

Once the issue was raised, the full bench will make a decision.

In accordance with Article 168 (5) of the constitution of Koshi State, a proposal of no-confidence against Chief Minister Kedar Karki was rejected in the State Assembly, and a new Chief Minister was appointed.

After appointing Hikmat Kumar Karki from the CPN-UML, questions were raised regarding his appointment while he continued to serve as Chief Minister.

This led to Karki reaching the Supreme Court.