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Putin says ‘appreciates the support’ of N. Korea: Russian agencies

Following a ceremony in Pyongyang's main square, Putin heralded bilateral cooperation "based on the principles of equality and mutual respect of interests".

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MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he “appreciates the support” of North Korea, Russian state media reported, during a rare visit to Pyongyang to meet leader Kim Jong Un.

“We very much appreciate your systematic and permanent support of Russian policy, including on the Ukrainian issue,” Putin was quoted as saying at the start of a meeting with the North Korean leader.

Following a ceremony in Pyongyang’s main square, Putin heralded bilateral cooperation “based on the principles of equality and mutual respect of interests”.

“Russia and North Korea have been tied for several decades by a solid friendship and close neighbourhood (relations),” he added.

Kim had earlier greeted Putin at the airport, with the two internationally isolated leaders hugging on the red carpet, underscoring the increasingly close relationship that has sparked concern in Seoul and Washington.