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President Paudel explores historic Berlin Wall during Germany visit

As per the Nepali Embassy in Germany, a scheduled meeting between President Poudel and German President Steinmeier is slated for today in Berlin.

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KATHMANDU: President Ram Chandra Paudel, who is on a visit to Germany, today visited the historic sites including the Berlin Wall, which was destroyed between East and West Germany at the time.

Accompanied by other members of the delegation and First Lady Savita Paudel, President Poudel’s excursion provided insights into the Wall’s historical significance.

President Paudel’s arrival in Germany on Saturday evening, upon the gracious invitation of the German President, marked the beginning of his diplomatic engagement.

As per the Nepali Embassy in Germany, a scheduled meeting between President Poudel and German President Steinmeier is slated for today in Berlin.

Following his active participation in the esteemed 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, and the inaugural session of the Global Alliance for Social Justice, President Paudel extended his diplomatic itinerary to Germany.