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Department warns of extreme heat in Nepal’s Terai region as monsoon remains inactive

According to the bulletin released by the department, with the likelihood of dry winds and heat waves, it is advisable to prepare and remain vigilant to mitigate its effects.

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KATHMANDU: The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has informed that there is a possibility of experiencing extreme heat in the central and western parts of the country’s Terai region until at least June 20 as the monsoon remains inactive.

According to the bulletin released by the department, with the likelihood of dry winds and heat waves, it is advisable to prepare and remain vigilant to mitigate its effects.

Meteorologist Saroj Pudasaini has provided information that in some places of the Terai region of Sudurpaschim and Lumbini States, there is a possibility of experiencing excessive heat when the monsoon remains inactive.

“The eastern part of the country is currently experiencing active monsoon conditions, and until the westerly winds become active, there will be the propagation of heat waves until June 20,” he said. “As the monsoon branch forecasts only for three days, it is uncertain what will happen in the western region beyond that.”

Potential effects from dry winds and heat waves include exhaustion, weakness, increased irritability, headaches, dizziness, fainting, muscle cramps, and heat stroke, as emphasized by meteorologist Pudasaini.

“To cope with the effects of dry winds and heat waves, it is recommended to stay indoors or in shaded areas during the hottest times, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, wear light clothing, cover the head with a hat, consume adequate water and fluids (such as juice, soup) regularly, and seek regular advice from healthcare workers if experiencing health issues,” he added.