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Trailer for ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato’ made public

Directed by Nabin Subba, the film features a stellar cast including acclaimed actor Dayahang Rai, alongside actress Pashupati Rai, and the young talent Prasan Rai, among others.

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KATHMANDU: The trailer for ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato (A Road To Village)’ has just hit the screens, heralding the upcoming release slated for June 7th. Directed by Nabin Subba, the film features a stellar cast including acclaimed actor Dayahang Rai, alongside actress Pashupati Rai, and the young talent Prasan Rai, among others.

In the newly unveiled trailer, Dayahang Rai’s performance stands out, reflecting a nuanced portrayal unlike any of his previous roles. Director Subba asserts that Dayahang’s depth as an actor will shine through in this project.

“This film showcases Dayahang’s exceptional talent,” Director Subba remarks. “While he has delivered commendable performances in the past, there’s a distinct evolution in his acting prowess evident in this film.”

Dayahang recalls first hearing about the project back in 2009 but didn’t anticipate landing a role in it. “I remember hearing about a film exploring the father-son relationship, but I never imagined being part of it,” he shares. “It’s serendipitous that the film materialized now, and I’m grateful to be a part of it.”


Actress Pashupati Rai, who shares the screen with Dayahang, expresses her gratitude for the learning experience working with Director Subba. “In my 19-year-long acting career, Director Subba has revolutionized my approach to the craft,” she reveals. “Our discussions on acting were enlightening and enriching.”

Young Prasan Rai, making his mark as a child artist in the film, describes his experience as immensely enjoyable.

Produced by Amod Rai, the film boasts a script penned by Director Subba and Mahesh Rai. Amod Rai expresses optimism regarding the film’s reception, particularly emphasizing its success on the global stage.

“Having garnered acclaim at major festivals worldwide, the film has now returned home,” Producer Rai states. “Given its positive reception internationally, we’re hopeful that our domestic audience will embrace it just as enthusiastically.”

‘Gaun Aayeko Bato’, funded by community investment, was captured through the lens of American cinematographer Josh Herum, adding an international flair to its Nepali essence.