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Power Outage

Power outages in key raeas of Kathmandu for 4 days (details inside)

The power supply will be disrupted in the mentioned feeder areas from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on these dates.

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KATHMANDU: The Nepal Electricity Authority’s Ratnapark Distribution Center is actively working on the underground electrification of its power lines, which has affected the electricity supply in various parts of the Kathmandu Valley.

The authority has announced power outages on different dates: May 16th in Naya Bazar, May 18th in Naya Bazar and Kshetrapati, May 19th in Bhimsensthan, and May 21st in Bhimsensthan and Tripureshwar.

The power supply will be disrupted in the mentioned feeder areas from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on these dates.