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Sandeep Lamichhane’s case under debate in High Court, other cases deferred

The hearing started early in the morning, around 11 AM, and discussions have been ongoing since then.

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KATHMANDU: The Patan High Court is currently hearing a retrial application filed by cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane.

Sandeep has requested a retrial seeking exoneration.

Justices Sudarshandev Bhatta and Anju Upreti Dhakal presented arguments in the retrial application.

The hearing started early in the morning, around 11 AM, and discussions have been ongoing since then.

If the argument prolongs, other issues on the agenda might not be addressed.

As the trial progresses, there is an increased possibility that the Supreme Court might make a decision on Sandeep’s case.

Previously, despite multiple retrial applications, decisions were not reached.

The Kathmandu District Court had sentenced Sandeep to eight years in prison.

Sandeep is now seeking exoneration after overturning this verdict.