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Mongolian climbers reported missing during Mt. Everest ascent

Usukhjargal Tsedendamba and Prevsuren Lkhagvajav are reported missing.

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KATHMANDU: Two climbers from Mongolia have gone missing during their ascent of Mount Everest.

Usukhjargal Tsedendamba and Prevsuren Lkhagvajav are reported missing, according to Rakesh Gurung, Director of the Tourism Department.

The officials in contact with the base camp at Mount Everest provided this information.

According to Gurung, the climbers have been reported missing above 8,000 meters on Mount Everest.

“It has been almost 48 hours since their disappearance. We’ve been coordinating with multiple expedition teams currently positioned above the south col to track them down,” stated Khimlal Gautam, Head of the Expedition Monitoring and Facilitation Field Office stationed at the base camp.

Two Sherpas from the 8K Expedition have been despatched to search for the missing climbers, and they are now coordinating rescue efforts at the South Col.

This spring season has seen its first major accident on the world’s highest peak.

Numerous expedition groups had been pushing for the summit since ropes were laid on Friday.

The Department of Tourism reported a total of 414 climbers with permits, not including Sherpas who are exempt.