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Weather Update

Western Wind Influence: Clear weather in hills, partly cloudy elsewhere; fog & mist in lowlands

According to the Department of Water and Meteorology, there is fog and mist in many parts of the lowlands of the country.

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KATHMANDU: There is partial influence of western wind in Nepal.

The weather is mostly clear in the hilly parts of the country, while the weather is partly cloudy in the rest of the country.

According to the Department of Water and Meteorology, there is fog and mist in many parts of the lowlands of the country.

According to the agency, the weather would be generally clear in the hilly regions of Koshi, Bagmati, Gandaki, and Karnali SStates this afternoon.

Light snowfall is possible in one or two locations in the high hills and Himalayan highlands of Kosi, Bagmati, and Gandaki states.

The rest of Koshi and Gandaki States’ hilly areas will have generally clear skies at night.

The department predicts minor precipitation in one or two locations in the high highlands and Himalayan areas of Kosi and Gandaki States.