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Rukum West Jeep accident update: one injured dies

Masta Bahadur Oli, 45, of Chaurjahari Municipality-13, has been identified as the deceased.

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KATHMANDU: A total of 22 individuals sustained injuries in a jeep accident in Goirijyula, Chaurjahari Municipality-8, Rukum West district.

Among those injured, one person died.

Masta Bahadur Oli, 45, of Chaurjahari Municipality-13, has been identified as the deceased.

According to police, he died while receiving treatment at Chaurjahari Mission Hospital.

He suffered a chest injury. At 8:50 a.m., the jeep numbered Lu 1 Ja 2297 was traveling from Khola village in Chaurjahari Municipality-10 to Musikot’s headquarters.

The jeep lost control and crashed 300 meters down the road on the bank of the Bheri river. In the accident, 22 people were injured. Seven of them were critically injured.