Perpetrators of fraudulent refugee case made to flee: Chair Oli
He objected to the attempt to trap the innocent and escape the guilty in the issue of bogus Bhutanese refugees during a discussion on Sunday on the policy and program for the next year, which was submitted to the Parliament on Friday.

KATHMANDU: KP Sharma, chair of the main opposition party CPN-UML, has accused the perpetrators of fleeing and attempting to implicate the innocent in the matter of bogus Bhutanese migrants.
He objected to the attempt to trap the innocent and escape the guilty in the issue of bogus Bhutanese refugees during a discussion on Sunday on the policy and program for the next year, which was submitted to the Parliament on Friday.
Speaking at the House of Representatives meeting on Sunday, he also drew the government’s serious attention to immediately stop the conspiracy to flee the culprits of the case.
Chair Oli also asked the government not to interfere in the investigation of the case.
In response to the remark that the meeting between the senior leaders of the three major parties was an attempt to escape the guilty, he stated that the UML is willing to assist in the anti-corruption inquiry.
President Oli mentioned that he has factual evidence about the attempt to escape the guilty and trap the innocent in that case and warned the government not to do so.