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Weather Update

Weather Update: Rain forecast across the country today

There is a chance of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning in some areas of the country's hilly terrain and a few places in the plains.

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KATHMANDU: At the moment, the country is influenced by both local and westerly winds. Showers will be light to moderate in the afternoon, according to the Department of Hydrometeorology’s Weather Forecasting Division.

There is a chance of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning in some areas of the country’s hilly terrain and a few places in the plains.

Across the country, showers will be light to moderate at night.

There is a chance of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning in a few places in the country’s hilly areas and a couple of places in the Terai region.

There is a chance of light to moderate rain with thunder, lightning, and gale in some hilly areas of the country and in a few Terai areas.

The division has requested that precautions be taken in order to prevent damage from thunder, lightning, and wind.