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Centenarian Body
In Pics: Body of centenarian handed to KIST Medical College
Joshi's body was handed to the medical college in the presence of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan, Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balendra Shah, and others.
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KATHMANDU: Satya Mohan Joshi’s body has been handed over to KIST Medical College.
Joshi’s body was handed to the medical college in the presence of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan, Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balendra Shah, and others.
Joshi’s sons and family finished the rituals and delivered Joshi’s body to the hospital.
The medical college recovered Joshi’s body for research purposes. Joshi passed away on Sunday morning at the age of 103.
-Saroj Basnet/MK
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