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Military Drills

China launches missiles in Taiwan strait as largest ever military drills begin

Taiwan, on the other hand, has responded by keeping a close eye on China's activities.

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KATHMANDU: China has begun military drills near Taiwan. China also fired two missiles. Two Chinese missiles were launched from the drill zone announced by China, according to the news agency Reuters. The drill zone is located some distance from Taiwan’s northeast coast.

Taiwan, on the other hand, has responded by keeping a close eye on China’s activities. Earlier on Wednesday, only Taiwan’s President, Tsai Ing-wen, stated that her country will not retreat under any circumstances. Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that the country does not want to go to war.

According to international media, China has launched a military campaign around Taiwan’s border following the return of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi from her visit to Taiwan. This practice is most likely mentioned in the most important news in history. Last Tuesday, US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi paid a visit to Taiwan.

Pelosi’s visit has heightened tensions between China and the United States, as well as between China and Taiwan. More information about the missile is yet to come.