CCTV Footage Case: Difference of opinion in committee regarding conclusion to be written in report
There was a difference of opinion among the members in writing the report of the committee investigating former Finance Minister Janardhan Sharma.

KATHMANDU: The parliamentary special committee formed to investigate the involvement of unauthorized persons in the budget formulation has divided opinion in writing the report.
There was a difference of opinion among the members in writing the report of the committee investigating former Finance Minister Janardhan Sharma.
According to sources, the committee debated for 6 hours on Wednesday due to differences of opinion, but could not agree on the conclusion of the investigation to be written in the report.
The ruling party’s MPs in the committee are in favor of writing a report that concludes that no evidence of unauthorized entry has been discovered.
However, MPs from the main opposition UML support acquittal as the investigation is incomplete due to non-cooperation from relevant agencies and technical ambiguity.
Surendra Aryal, Committee Secretary, stated on Wednesday that there was extensive discussion on how to write the report, what to include in it, and how to create as much consensus as possible.
However, he stated that the members are still debating a common opinion because they have not reached a conclusion.
The meeting will be reconvened at 12:30 today, according to Secretary Aryal.
The committee consists of Khagraj Adhikari, Pradeep Gyawali, Bhanubhakta Dhakal and Bimala BK from UML, Man Bahadur Bishwakarma and Sitaram Mahato from Congress, Dev Prasad Gurung and Shakti Bahadur Basnet from Maoists, Laxman Lal Karna from LOSAPA, Sarala Kumari Yadav of United Socialist Party and Surendra Prasad Yadav of JSP.