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This weeks top seven pictures

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Leisure business

A child selling tea in Kapan’s Jhanda Park on a Saturday holiday.

Month of green-yellow bangles

Women especially wear green and yellow bangles during the month of Shrawan. At the same time, a woman wearing bangles at a bangle shop in Kathmandu’s Indra Chowk.

Dummy in a street

A dummy placed on a road in Kathmandu’s New Baneshwor area. This dummy is placed in front of the ready-to-wear shop to attract customers.

Maternal Love

A devotee with her baby on her back stands in line to pray for Lord Shiva.

Avoiding rain

After it began to rain during the demonstration in New Baneshwor, security personnel wearing shields sought shelter to avoid the rain.

Support of flag

After it rained during the demonstration of six communist components, protestors tried to avoid getting wet by covering themselves with flags.

Beautiful peace Amitabha Gumba

In the evening, Amitabha Gumba in Kapan.

-Saroj Basnet/MK