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Month of Shrawan

Today is the first Monday of Shrawan, such is the religious belief

To worship and adore Lord Shiva, women traditionally wear green clothing, bangles, and henna.

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KATHMANDU: Lord Shiva’s favorite month is Shrawan (July/August)), and his favorite day is Monday. Shiva is worshiped on this day with his favorite bel leaves, water, and panchamrit (a mixture of five foods).

Today is the first Monday of the year. It has long been believed that praising Shiva during this month and day is extremely beneficial to humans and birds.

Hindu women worship Lord Shiva on the first Monday of the month. Women worship Shiva in the morning, believing that their desires will be fulfilled on Monday. To worship and adore Lord Shiva, women traditionally wear green clothing, bangles, and henna.

Monday in Shrawan is considered to be Shiva’s favourite day. Therefore, every Monday in Shrawan, devotees worship Shiva wearing red, green and yellow clothes and bangles.

There is a religious belief that worshipping Shiva by fasting all day will fulfil one’s desires. Women fast and visit Shiva temples to worship.