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Daughter Education

Daughter education insurance scheme resumes in Madhesh State

Education Director of the Education Development Directorate, Madhesh State, Chuda Mani Phuyal shared this information amid a function here.

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JANAKPURDHAM: The daughter education insurance scheme that was halted for the past two years due to COVID-19 has resumed in Madhesh State

Education Director of the Education Development Directorate, Madhesh State, Chuda Mani Phuyal shared this information amid a function here.

An agreement in this regard has reached with Global IME Bank, he said. Director Phuyal on behalf of the state government and Global IME Bank State Chief Sujan Shrestha from the Bank signed the agreement.

Those baby girls born on January 15 and thereafter would be covered by the scheme. The Madhesh government has to deposit the total Rs 37,457 in premium per insured, for which the beneficiary will get back Rs 300,000 each after 20 years.

Launched by the Madhehs state government, President Bidya Devi Bhandari on 21 February 2019 inaugurated the scheme under the ‘Chief Minister Beti Padhau, Beti Bachau’ (Educate girl, Save girl).