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FNJ condemned arrest of a journalist (with press release)

Police detained journalist Biwas while he was covering the news of a fire in a truck.

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KATHMANDU: The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has objected to the unjustified arrest of Rhani Biwas, executive editor of Bikalpa Dainik in Kanchanpur.

The federation’s Far-Western State Committee said it was aware of the incident and condemned the arrest of journalist Biwas by police while he was obtaining news.

Police detained journalist Biwas while he was covering the news of a fire in a truck carrying construction materials on Mahendranagar Bazaar’s freeline road.

According to the FNJ, the arrest of the journalist without cause was an infringement on press freedom and a heinous act.

The federation has also drawn the attention of the concerned parties to respect the freedom of press and not to repeat such incidents.

On Wednesday, federation Secretary-General Roshn Puri issued a public statement stating that the federation had objected to the incident.

May be an image of text that says 'नेपाल पत्रकार ofNepaliJournalis महारु महासंघ Federation (FNJ) केन्द्रीय सत्चारिग्राम, काठमाडं, नेपाल मिति २०७९।०३।०5 प्रेस विज्ञप्ति समाचार संकलनका ऋरममा कज्चनपुरबाट प्रकाशित विकल्प दैनिकका कार्यकारी सम्पादक रनी विवशलाई प्रहरीले बिनाकारण पकाउ गरेको घटनाप्रति नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघको ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छू। महासंघको सदूरपश्चिम प्रदेश समितिका अनुसार पत्रकार विवशलाई महेन्द्रनगर बजारको फ्रिलाइन सडकमा निर्माण सामग्री बोकेको ट्रकमा भएको आगलागीको समाचार संकलनका करममा प्रहरीले पकराउ गरेको थियो नागरिकलाई सुसूचित गराउने कर्ममा जुटिरहेका पत्रकारलाई बिनाकारण पकाउ गरिएको घटना स्वतन्त्रतामाथिको हस्तक्षेप हुनुका साथै निन्दनीय काम हो महासंघ प्रेस स्वतन्त्रताको सम्मान गने यस्ता घटना नदोहोऱ्याउन सम्बन्धित पक्षको ध्यानाकर्षण गराउदछ रोसन पुरी महासचिव Headquarters, Village, Kathmandu,'