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‘Prem Geet 3’ being performed in India under the name ‘Vishwajitam’
The film is a continuation of the successful film series 'Prem Geet,' directed by Sen and Chetan Gurung.
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KATHMANDU: The eagerly anticipated Nepali film ‘Prem Geet 3’ will be shown simultaneously in Nepal and India.
Though it will be released in Nepal as ‘Prem Geet 3’, the film will be released in India as ‘Vishwajitam.’
Santosh Sen, the film’s director and producer, has stated that the film has been registered with the Indian Producers Association under a new name.
The film is a continuation of the successful film series ‘Prem Geet,’ directed by Sen and Chetan Gurung.
This Nepali film, produced by Aasusen Films, is distributed in India by Ajay Kapoor Productions and UFO.
Pradip Khadka, Kristina Gurung, and Shiva Shrestha will play the lead roles in the film.
Cinema registration certificate:
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