On the second day of his mayorship, Harka Sampang took the field
He has instructed to repair the river and send it to Dharan immediately after finding the pipe bursting and flowing in the river.

KATHMANDU: MAY. 26 – Harkraj Rai (Sampang), the newly appointed Mayor of Dharan Sub-Metropolitian, went to the field the day after taking office to find a solution to the drinking water crisis.
Harka Sampang, who was elected by popular vote over the strong candidates of the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML, is looking for a solution to Dharan’s drinking water problem.
On Wednesday afternoon, he went to the source of drinking water in the Sardu Reservoir area, which will be distributed in Dharan. He reached at the source on a private motorcycle with some helpers and was instructed to correct the flaws and prevent littering.
He has instructed to repair the river and send it to Dharan immediately after finding the pipe bursting and flowing in the river.