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Power Supply

Ilam sees power supply disruption; service delivery hit hard

Daily service delivery has been affected after the disruption of the electricity supply.

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KATHMANDU: MAY. 25 – Service recipients have been hit hard by the disruption of the power supply in Ilam for the past three days.

Daily service delivery has been affected after the disruption of the electricity supply. The services being delivered from government offices have come to a grinding halt in the district.

Even regular services of the ward including recommendations for citizenship certificates are being invariably affected. The services of banks, financial institutions and media such as FM radio are not operational due to power disruption.

All online related works have been obstructed with power irregularities.

The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)’s Ilam Distribution Centre has not detected the reason behind the disruption of power in the district. Centre’s Chief Begraj Poudel shared that the particular reason behind power supply obstruction has not been identified.

He guessed a technical glitch in mainline stretched to the headquarters from the Ilam sub-station.