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Balen far ahead, Keshav & Sirjana differ by 113 votes
Sah polled 33,260 votes, while Sthapit secured 17,692 votes.
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KATHMANDU: MAY. 21 – Balen Sah, an independent candidate, has been increasing his vote count in Kathmandu Metropolitan City. He is 15,568 votes ahead of UML mayoral candidate Keshav Sthapit.
Sah polled 33,260 votes, while Sthapit secured 17,692 votes.
Nepali Congress coalition candidate Sirjana Singh from the ruling coalition in the third place with 16,224 votes. Keshav and Sirjana differ by 113 votes.
Sunita Dangol of the UML obtained 26,575 votes for the post of deputy mayor.
Rameshwar Shrestha of the Maoist UCPN secured 8591 votes.
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