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Alliance Lead

Acharya of the alliance retains the lead in Pokhara Metropolitian

Krishna Thapa of CPN-UML got 7774 votes following Acharya.

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KATHMANDU: MAY. 17 – With 21,960 votes being counted in Pokhara Metropolitan City, the alliance has maintained its lead.

According to the latest results, Dhanraj Acharya of alliance (CPN Unified Socialist) is leading with 9165 votes. Krishna Thapa of CPN-UML got 7774 votes following Acharya.

Similarly, Kopila Ranabhat of the coalition (Nepali Congress) has taken the lead with 9461 votes for the post of deputy mayor while her nearest rival Manju Gurung of the CPN-UML has got 8831 votes.

The vote count continues.