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Electoral A.lliance

Electoral alliance between NC and JSP at Palungtar municipality

An agreement had reached to take the post of the mayor by JSP and deputy-mayor by NC at Palungtar municipality.

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GORKHA: MAY. 2 – An electoral alliance has been made formed between the Nepali Congress and JSP at Palungtar Municipality in Gorkha district.

The alliance between the two parties has been confirmed after a mayoral candidate from the Nepali Congress, Deepak Babu Kuinkel, issuing a press release on Sunday, withdrew his candidacy and announced to support for the JSP.

Kuinkel mentioned that he withdrew his candidacy accepting the direction of the NC central committee for the same.

The press release reads, “I am fully honest and committed towards the decision of the central working committee of making an electoral alliance in the local-level election.”

He also appealed to his party cadres to implement the party’s decision. An agreement had reached to take the post of the mayor by JSP and deputy-mayor by NC at Palungtar municipality.