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Crowds of Visitors
Crowds of devotees at Muktinath and Kagbeni (with photos)
The crowd is said to be the largest since the COVID-19 infection.
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POKHARA: APRIL. 30 – Meanwhile, the Himalayan district of Mustang is teeming with devotees. There are more tourists in the Annapurna Cycle Trail’s Muktinath area.
The Mukti area is seeing an increase in religious tourists. According to the businessman, not only locals but also Indians used to reserve a bus to get to Muktinath. Due to Matatirtha Aunsi, Muktinath and Kagbeni have been flooded with devotees since early this morning.
There are over 20,000 devotees, both internal and external. The crowd is said to be the largest since the COVID-19 infection.
-Prakash Dhakal/Makalu Khabar
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