Provision requiring cash for on-arrival visa rescinded

KATHMANDU: APRIL. 19 – The provision requiring foreign tourists coming to Nepal via Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) to possess cash for obtaining Visa on Arrival has been rescinded for the time being.
It may be noted the Office of Immigration, TIA a few days ago issued a notice, asking tourists in need of on-arrival visa to carry cash of US dollar 200. The Office cited that it was facing issues with the electronic payment system and foreign tourists were expected to have cash to get on-arrival visa.
The notice sparked a wide-spread public protest. The Office says the provision has been repealed for the time- being.
TIA manager Prem Nath Thakur confirmed the annulment of the previous decision. It is said works have begun since Monday to install the Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) AMT booths at the immigration office.
According to the Office, two ATM booths and two POS machines are to be added at TIA for convenience of foreign tourists.
Prior to this, only one ATM booth of Prabhu Bank was available here for services of tourists and the problem arose with the machine failing to read a master card.