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Is the menstrual cup emerging as an alternative to sanitary pads?

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A prototype of a menstrual cup used for women’s menstruation first appeared in the 1930s. The first application for its patent was made in 1937 by American actress Leona Chammers.

More modern and improved versions have emerged over the years. This small cup-shaped item made of silicone, rubber or latex is slowly but steadily taking the place of sanitary pads. One reason for this is that the sanitary pad is only used once, while the menstrual cup is more practical and durable.

This cup is made of flexible products, so it does not cause any discomfort inside the genitals of women. Alexandre Pupo, a gynaecologist at a hospital in Sao Paulo, South American country, gives more information about this.

According to her, “Women who use it say that it also has the advantage that it is not detected in clothes like bikinis or leggings. It also does not create extravagance like tampons.”

These cups are available in many sizes. Its length is between 4 to 6 cm. At the same time, its diameter at the top is between 3 to 5 cm. Larger size cups are needed by women who have high emissions.

Following the guidelines of doctors in terms of hygiene and safe use, this product is completely safe and can last up to 10 years.

In this article, we are trying to find answers to five big questions related to the menstrual cup.

1. How should the menstrual cup be inserted into the vagina?

Before inserting this cup into the genital of woman, it should be folded in two or three parts, so that it can be inserted into the vagina. It can be folded in many ways so that it looks comfortable.

Gabriella Gallina, a gynaecologist attached to a hospital in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, tells the BBC: “A woman can sit on a toilet or bed with her legs stretched out and knees bent. If their genitals are very dry, this cup can be entered. Can be uncomfortable, so lubricants should be used, especially when using it for the first time.”

Galina explains, “After that, it should be slowly poured in. The cup opens as soon as we release the bleeding area. It should be slightly twisted to adjust it properly inside.”

With the help of a finger, it should be kept inside the genital as if it is a tampon. This cup differs from tampons in that its function is not only to absorb blood but to collect it.

Alexandre Pupo explains, “Once inserted, this cup sticks to the walls of the genitalia. To keep it open, the elastic band on its side is slightly tightened. It expands and concave slightly inside and is attached to the walls. joins where it remains stationary.”

The menstrual cup can be used for a maximum of 12 hours at a time. However, women who have high emissions are advised to change it after 4 to 6 hours.

Its small size makes it helpful in locating it. However, this can also cause problems.

Pupo advises that it can take a lot of force to remove it with a rod. That’s why she recommends using a finger to reduce the vacuum inside. While it may be comfortable to remove it in the shower, it is also safe to remove it while sitting on the toilet.

According to Galina, “It should be noted that it is usually a little uncomfortable the first time it is used. It may take two or three tries for a woman to get used to the use of a menstrual cup. It is recommended that when there is no menstruation Then it should be tested.”

2. How to clean the menstrual cup?

Before the first use, boil the menstrual cup in hot water on the stove or in the microwave for 5 minutes so that it becomes safe. Many brands even provide a special type of container for this.

When it is used repeatedly during menstruation, it is advised to clean it thoroughly with water and soap. And when the menstruation ends, it should be boiled in the same way.

After that, when not in use, keep it closed in a cloth bag. Then when menstruation starts, it should be boiled again in hot water before use.

3. Can it cause health hazards?

Menstrual cups are very safe to use after being properly sanitized. But if it is not cleaned properly, it can increase the risk of infection.

Galina says that if the genitals come in contact with microorganisms then it can be harmful. This can lead to the problem of candidiasis and vaginosis.

Gynaecologist Alexandre Pupo recommends that women who are allergic to condoms should use latex-free cups.

4. Do’s and Don’ts if Menstrual Cup is installed?

Normally, there is no problem in urinating when the menstrual cup is placed. But if pressure is felt, then it means that this cup should go a little further inside the genital.

In order not to have a child, if a woman has put an IUD in her uterus, they also do not face any problem in using it. This is because the place of both is different. One is inside the uterus, the other inside the genitals.

However, when having sex, this cup has to be removed from the genitals. For those women who have never had sex before, there is a more soft type of cup.

Experts say that still, people do not know much about the menstrual cup, because it is not talked about much.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a menstrual cup?

In the opinion of doctors, the biggest feature of the menstrual cup is that it is an object of permanent nature.

It is believed that a woman has an average of 450 periods in her entire life. This means that a woman will have to use about 7,200 sanitary pads in her life. Whereas the great feature of a menstrual cup is that a cup can last for 3 to 10 years.

Another feature of this is that the vacuum created by it does not allow the menstrual blood to come in contact with the air, due to which the underwear does not smell during this time.

According to gynaecologists, the downside of this is that all women will be able to use this cup gently, it is not necessary that they may have to face problems.

-BBC Hindi