Link bank to Khalti, get Rs 100 bonus

KATHMANDU: MARCH. 25 – Khalti Digital Wallet is offering a flat bonus of Rs. 100 for anyone who links their bank account for the first time to Khalti. The offer is intended to encourage online payments by removing the burden of loading.
Currently, there are 20 banks available to link to in Khalti. The bonus will only be available to users who link to their bank account Khalti for the first time. In order to link banks, users have to prove their KYC. This offer will be valid from March 23 to April 21.
Binay Khadka, Chief Executive Officer of Khalti, stated on the occasion, “The bank link facility is beneficial to get rid of the hassle of keeping money in Khalti from time to time.”
That is why, for the second time, we have brought this offer to encourage the use of this facility. “We want to encourage our users to take advantage of this feature in order to save time.”