Transport businessmen’s ultimatum to govt to increase vehicle fares by March 21

KATHMANDU: MARCH. 13 – The National Federation of Nepali Transport Entrepreneurs has given the government until March 21 to raise public transportation fares.
The federation requested that the government adjust the fares by March 21 at a press conference in Kathmandu on Sunday, and warned that if the government does not, it will be forced to do so unilaterally.
The federation has asked for a 9% increase on public buses, an 11% to 13% increase on trucks, and an 8.5 percent increase on gasoline-powered vehicles. According to the federation, the fare in Bagmati State should be adjusted based on the flag down of Rs 80 and pulse of Rs 200 for 200 meters.
FNCCI chairperson Yagendranath Karmacharya stated at the press conference that the fare could not be adjusted despite the increase in the cost of petroleum products and vehicles.
According to the scientific fare system, the fare should be adjusted proportionally to the increase in fuel price based on only 35% of the fuel indicators, he stated. He stated that if the demand is not met by March 21, the rent will have to be adjusted.
The federation has also asked the government to raise the scientific fare because there is no increase in the fare for tourist vehicles.